Monday, March 14, 2011

Is the Blood on my Hands?

A few years back I used to be cool with a group chicks who were raised under the Protestant Christian faith. After hanging with them a few times I later grew to learned that they were some very promiscuous beings. What tripped me out is the fact that their parents were super religious and sung joyfully for the Lord. Anyways back to them ... these chicks were getting pregnant left and right, but would immediately abort the fetus because they didn't want their parents to find out.

Well, one of the chicks got pregnant by her then boyfriend and decided to abort the fetus because she felt that if she kept the baby she wouldn't be able to go off to college. Although, the then boyfriend wanted her to keep the baby she still went behind his back and did it anyway. She needed someone to go with her and so I did - for moral support. I was being a 'friend' and as much as I am against abortions she needed someone to be there.

All while heading there and even the evening before I did my best to discourage her from doing so. It didn't work and after hours of sitting in the waiting room at a Plan Parent Hood it dawn on me that since I was there supporting her that I am just as guilty as she.

The thoughts of it destroyed me on the inside. I felt as if I was the murderer. I cried for days and later seek counseling from my pastor. During the session I reminder him of the story of Judas when he sold Christ (silly me because he knew the Bible very well) for a few pieces of silver. I explained to him in great detail that my heart was overwhelmed with pain and grief. And I wasn't sure of how to deal with it. He informed me that the blood was NOT on my hands. She along with the doctors, who performed the operation,  will have to go before the judge, our lord and savior, for what they have done. He reassured me that I was being just that a 'friend', even though it went against my beliefs, religion, and morals.

Up until that day I ask God to forgive me for even being there in that waiting room. I never thought that that would haunt me as much as it did. I've always heard stories of people who've had it done; many regret it and others are happy about their decision. I personally have always been a pro-life supporter. I believe there is no need to abort the life of someone who did not ask to be created. I look at it like this hey my mom gave me the opportunity to breathe and I will do the same once God blesses me with a few little ones.

I sometimes wonder if my former 'friend' think about it. Do she know that her child could have grown to become a future president, a renowned doctor, a scientist to discover the cure for HIV/AIDS, or billionaire. This world is full of opportunities.

I am pro-choice. I believe that a woman has the right to choose whether or not she wants to carry a child, give birth, then raise a child. This is not an easy job seeing that I have carried two children. There is a lot to think about in the process of having a baby . Not all women just sleep around and then don't want to take care of the consequences. Some woman actually take the necessary precautions not to get pregnant and whether due to failure of birth control or rape the woman becomes pregnant with a child they do not want.

Now going and getting an abortion knowing full well that when you were in bed enjoying yourself ... no one was protected ... and no one even mentioned protection. That's a messed up reason for aborting a child.

On the other hand, I am also pro-choice because of the fact that some women themselves sometimes have to chose as I once have to either carry the fetus or abort it for their own health. Though I chose to keep my child and deal with the constant doctors appointments, bed-rest and everything else that came along with my child.

However other women may not be that strong or have the health to really carry the baby and their only result is death or abortion. Why would it be ok for any one to tell a woman that choosing herself over the fetus she is carrying is wrong?

Whatever the reason for any woman choosing to abort her child is her own reason; whether for health reasons or even petty reasons it is and should be her own. In the end she will have to deal with the grief or consequence on her own no matter emotional or spiritual. No one or law should be able to dictate a woman's choice to the happenings of her own body.

We know that this is a touchy topic, but what are your thoughts on this situation? Have you ever had an abortion? If so, does it still cross your mind? Do you regret it or are you happy or should I say satisfied with you decision?

1 comment:

crunknpeachy said...

Wow this is deep that are so many things that you can say but im about to sum this up quickly...LOL...Im Pro-Choice and Im not totally against abortions but if you doing to just do it jus because then need to get slap. Im pro choice because what if the woman gets rape, in a relationship that isnt healthy for the parents or child, and what if the woman isnt really to have a child jus yet? I have a few of my friends that abort their pregencies at least the second time they was ready to have a child and become a mother with or without the father. But on the real it should be the decision of the woman...A law should be pass that if you have one abortion you are not allowed to have any more...