Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lunch Time Honesty Minute: CHURCH

Yeah, Yeah ... I  know "touchy topic" but I'm not scared. I've grown up in church and have been in plenty ministries ... you name it ...

Usher? Yes.
Choir? Yes.
Media? Yes.
Congregation? Yes.

And I have been under different leaderships as far as Pastors (both were great in their own way).

However, it was always so much drama in church (and no im not talking about the Christmas plays). But there was real DRAMA. Married men cheating with married women, incest, back-stabbing and though none of this was involving me directly ... it affected me indirectly.

Church was filled with so much hatred, fake love, attitudes, jealousy and emotional animals that I often wondered ... What the hell am I doing here?

You mean to tell me that I got up, put on my uniform/dress, sat through Sunday School (when I did go), and quieted down my nieces so that the PROBLEMS hidden behind every song the choir sang and ever sermon the preacher (Pastor and His Associate Ministers) preached could ring out louder than the actual words of the song and meaning the bible served in the sermon?

No I didn't. I didn't come to church for that and up until the death of my son, I went to church because my parents made me, it wasn't force, it was simply routine. After Prince passed I went to church once and I walked in excited and left feeling numb. Nothing had changed. Problems was still overshadowing what I went for.

Now I read my bible online and go to church when my Daddy is preaching because I don't care about the music ... I care that it's my one chance to hear a message rather than a problem.

Other than to hear him, I stopped going because I figure:

Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.


Anonymous said...

Well I for one don't think that you should anyone in the house of the lord.

lamar said...

Hey after reading about the stuff that goes on at your church makes me glad that I only go to church on holidays.... Smh

toni said...

i totally agree, i am a spiritual person and i can feel the LORDS presence more in my living room than i can feel in most churches,smh

Thickcurlgurl70 said...

I was a late bloomer to the "church scene"; because that's exactly what it is. It's the "dating scene", the " hook-up scene", the "gossip scene", the "I wanna a husband scene" and the "I want to date the preacher scene" and the lust...oops the list can go on. But all jokes aside I learned early on that if I enjoyed the way the word was preached and felt as if I was being taught; the simple "choice" to GO get what I need and LEAVE was the best plan for the outspoken person that is me.

crunknpeachy said...

Churches are like the garden you have to pick out all the bad plants and weeds in order to let the good plants grow...if it doesnt work the once time then try again.

Anonymous said...

You are among millions of people who have been scared by the people, broken relationships and catch ups in church mess! Church is like the hospital the people there are sick, and coming for healing. It is up to you to follow up with the doctor (God) for your healing! Sorry for the loss of your son but church couldn't cure that void if you weren't ready to let it go anyway. Christianty is a process, there are no certain amount of tries you have to get it right you have to keep trying....to me your issue seams to be with the church(s) you've attended. The leader may only leading himself if everyone has time to be so heavily involved in the mess instead of trying to be blessesd!

Anonymous said...

You said your dad was the preacher, so I'm guessing that you should've been taught that its not the service that moves the people, its the provider! Which is God in this case. Sometimes.....all the time you have to go to church with a God mindset. Often time ppl who are in the know of all the drama are the main ones causing it! I noticed you said you often only liked to hear your father preach. Well growing in Christ means you can take the message despite the messenger!

Anonymous said...

I am just wondering how many other people feel like you do and will never say it because somebody is gonna get mad at them. People will say a lot of mean stuff and make you the blame because you said this stuff and wont even own up to they part in it so what is your opinion of that.

Meat Meat said...

I admit it: I'm Guilty.